Sue Thornquist


My mom was a generous gift giver.  She specialized in matched shirts and ties for the guys, boots and sweaters for us girls, multiple gifts for everyone. And the grandchildren—American Girl dolls with all the trimmings, elaborate Lego sets, the most expensive gifts on their wish lists.

“Lists” is the operative word. She was a generous gift giver who loved nothing more than lists, with specific details of brands, colors and stores. You knew what you would get from Mom. Something really nice from your list.

One Christmas, probably 18 years ago, a good-sized package awaited me under the tree. Usually talented at guessing my presents, I couldn’t fathom what the box tagged “Love, Mom” contained.  Nothing I had asked for was big.

It was the first gift I unwrapped.  Wrestling it from the packaging, I discerned the words “Dickens Village” and knew it was a building from the series. Not just any building, but the limited edition house of Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations. Complete with Miss Havisham, Pip and Estella figurines. And a copy of the novel.

The most magical gifts come from the heart--no list can identify them. I was a high school English teacher of literature. I loved to read. I collected books and Dickens Village houses. Mom had spotted the set in the basement of Marshall Fields and looked no further. Her instincts knew I would love it.

She was right. It is my most treasured gift, greater than any of my expectations.

*Sue’s mother, Harriet O’Daffer, died on Sept. 27, 2020 after a 13 year battle with Alzheimer’s disease. This house sits in a place of honor on Harriet’s mother’s piano which was bequeathed to Sue in the mid- 90’s.

Sue Thornquist

Sue Thornquist is a retired high school English and film teacher who offers on-line and in-person film classes in her community. Her daughter recently got married and brother Eric advised her to "get good sleep" going into the event.


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