Steve Fiffer

Shortly after leaving the practice of law to write full time, I produced JUST PLAIN ATHLETICS, a documentary film featuring four athletes competing in what was then called the National Wheelchair Games.  Winners went on to the 1980 Paralympics.

I was so impressed by these athletes that I proposed a feature to Sports Illustrated, the number one sports magazine at the time.  The managing editor’s response so infuriated me that I have kept it  for all these years as a reminder that what might seem obvious to me, may not seem obvious to others.

Now as the Paralympics approach with the promise of significant coverage across all NBC platforms—and Sports Illustrated is just a whisper—I take some solace in “what goes around, comes around.”  I’ve turned the letter into a poem.

September 19, 1980

Dear Mr. Fiffer:

Thank you
For letting us see
Your piece.

We don’t do pieces on
Handicapped athletes

No matter what
Their merit.
That is

The pieces
As well as
The athletes.

The reason
Is that if we
Cover, say

Wheelchair athletes.
Then we will be obliged
To cover

The deaf, the retarded, the…

This may seem
Somewhat callous,

Believe me,
It is a course
We have given

Much careful thought.


Steve Fiffer

Storied-stuff co-founder reminds readers it is not too late to enter the summer writing contest. See "How to Submit" for more information.


Mark Smith


Judy Kassouf Cummings