Mike Conklin

Would you like to return to college with the knowledge you’ve acquired since leaving? I did.

It started with teaching night classes at DePaul University. This was nearly 25 years ago. My day job at the time was with the Chicago Tribune, where I was a daily columnist followed by a stint as a feature writer in the late, lamented Tempo section.

My DePaul courses were journalism-based, met weekly, and crammed with as much “real world” insights as I could squeeze into them. My students were an eclectic bunch. I was having fun when the school’s brass made an offer I could not refuse: Would I like to join the regular university faculty and teach full-time?

In a heartbeat, yes. I had been at the Tribune a long time and acquired a full plate of experiences. More important, my family was in full support. Hey, summers off, no classes in December since it was the quarter system, and a spring break.

One, little caveat. My duties would include being adviser to the school newspaper. That was a toughie. The previous adviser had run screaming into the night. The paper was in complete disarray. For starters, there was no advertising manager or circulation director. 

There were a lot of late nights, but a core group stepped up and things began falling in place. I knew we had arrived as a newspaper when I started getting faculty griping we hadn’t published puff pieces they expected.

My reward to the staff following that first stint? DePaulia caps for everyone.

Mike Conklin

Mike Conklin is retired from full-time teaching. He stays busy writing novels in his Town & Gown series, which dips into his journalism and higher ed experiences The latest,"Class Dismissed", is available through major book retailers including Amazon at https://shorturl.at/ADMN0


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