Bob Kaufman


Back in the day when the Cubs were on Good Ol’ Channel 9, young readers who loved sports reveled in the world of Chip Hilton.

I followed the exploits of Chip and his friends, Soapy Smtih, Biggie Cohen and Speed Morris, through their years at Valley Falls High School and then at State U. Chip was a three-sport star, as were many high school athletes in those days. He excelled in baseball, basketball and football, and every game, and every season, went down to the wire. Although his teams did not win every championship, Chip taught us the lessons of fair play, good sportsmanship and, even then, the acceptance of those of different beliefs and colors.

Chip’s impact on the world of sport was so significant that the NCAA used to give the Chip Hilton Player of the Year Award, of which Wake Forest basketball star Tim Duncan was the first winner.

Although I had all of the books in my youth (but for the more recently published #24), some did not survive the many moves I have made over time. However, I have been able to again complete the set by visiting the old Titles store in Highland Park, IL, and on ebay.

Having been read multiple times by me and my sons, the books will now be passed down to my new grandson who will, hopefully, appreciate them (as out of date as they might seem) as I did, back in the day. Sometimes, it seems, that your storied stuff may be stories unto themselves.

Bob Kaufman

Bob Kaufman is a Chicago attorney with Fischel|Kahn, who likes his olives stuffed with blue cheese.


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