Julia Wendell

Crazed Chirping and Flapping Outside My Morning Window.


Someone’s built a nest in the mouth

of the laughing sun face,

nailed to the side of my house.    


An hysterical mouth                                        

does not seem like a particularly

safe cradle for hatchlings,


or any being for that matter,

unless it’s bronze-casted

permanently wide open.


It's a two-story face--

the mother or auntie or daddy

arriving through expressive eye holes


to feed vomit to the babies below.

Constant singing need

goes like this.


We all want

something to enter

and fill. What yearning!


What a ruckus

for a single worm. And blind belief

in what won’t swallow.

Julia Wendell

Julia Wendell’s memoir Come to the X, has recently been published by Galileo Press, and her latest book of poems is Take This Spoon (Main Street Rag Press, 2014)


Sara Marberry


Arnie Kanter