Barbara Walter Hetler


Quick Test for Used Waders:

Necessary for fly fishing… a pair of waders.   Found ‘em at a garage sale.  Great price.  Took ‘em home.  Wondered  if they might leak.  Thought,  I’ll fill ‘em with water from the garden hose and see.  Hose gone… stashed in garage for the winter. 

So…. Filled the bathtub.  Put on waders.  Stepped into tub.   Sloshed legs up and down. 

Feel  water seeping through unseen holes?  Nope.

Stepped out of tub.

Went fly fishing. 

Barbara Walter Hetler

Barbara Walter Hetler—mother and grandmother -- is the author of the children’s book, Wand Hill.


Robert Tomes


Ken Hersh