Ina Chadwick


Once upon a time, my sister and I sat for a portrait. Actually there is another portrait of us out there in the world. The painter, whose name is Zeibel, painted the first one lengthwise. I can still hear my mother’s gasp because the painter revealed it in our living room. It didn’t work as decorative when it was vertical.  To the best of my memory, we were seated at the piano together. I was laughing, an informal pose. My late sister and I tracked the artist down years years ago and he refused to sell us the painting. We were wearing navy blue dresses then.

Ina Chadwick

Ina Chadwick, who lives in Westport, CT, is a lifelong storyteller, founder of, a safe space to share difficult conversations regarding abortion using theater and storytelling.


Mary Loretta Kelly


Loree Sandler