Manny Brown


Berson, Manny M.19th: 04/05/45 Pfc36692231 Died of Wound

A young man, just out of his teens, with his whole life in front of him. A wonderful person. Known to be friendly and warm with a keen intelligence. He is called to action to defend the country he loves after Pearl Harbor is bombed by the Japanese. He is sent to the Pacific Theatre of the war where he is wounded in combat and passes from this world April of 1945.

A little more than 10 years later, I showed up and was given the name “Manny” in honor of my Uncle Manny. I never knew him, but heard all the stories about how great a son, brother, and friend he was from my family. At an early age I could not grasp the sacrifice he made. But when I became a man at the age of thirteen I was given this flag. His burial flag. That’s when it all made sense to me.

In the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, as the Vietnam War filled every young man’s world, this flag meant so much more to me. I was not a fan of the war. But if drafted and called, I would have served my country. Not sure why I felt strongly about this. I just felt it was the right thing to do.

Manny Brown

Manny Brown—who was born in Chicago and went to high school, undergraduate, and graduate school there—is a businessman who grew up near Wrigley and the Cubs, but has always been a White Sox fan.


Patricia Merritt Lear


Naomi Smith